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08 Jul 2024

Business ready to work in partnership with Labour government

The UK's business groups have pledged to work in partnership with the new Labour government to revitalise the nation's economy.

08 Jul 2024

Tax gap at record high

The UK's tax gap estimate rose to a record to £39.8 billion in 2022/23 as small businesses accounted for almost two thirds of unpaid tax, according to HMRC's data.

08 Jul 2024

HMRC has not fined a single enabler of offshore tax evasion

HMRC has not fined a single enabler of offshore tax evasion in five years, data released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed.

08 Jul 2024

UK economy grew by more than previously estimated during first quarter

The UK economy grew by more than initially estimated at the start of this year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

08 Jul 2024

Average earnings just £16 a week higher than 2010

Real average earnings are just £16 a week higher than they were 14 years ago, according to research conducted by the Resolution Foundation.

08 Jul 2024

EU trade deal not working for UK business, warns BCC

The UK government must stop 'walking on eggshells' around improving EU trade ties, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has warned.

08 Jul 2024

UK's investment rates worse than every other G7 country

The UK has the lowest rates of investment of any other country in the G7, according to analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

08 Jul 2024

Savers dangerously underestimating minimum cost of retirement

UK savers are dangerously underestimating the minimum amount needed to retire, according to research from pension provider PensionBee.

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